Illegal Apps

These are on-line loan Apps, that have not been authorized to lend money and they are lending small amounts of funds. They charge exorbitant interests for processing instant loans and use confidential and personal data, that has been accessed through methods of hacking phone contacts and photos. These illegal loan companies are using such data to blackmail people in order to extort money from them by photoshopping the victims face onto obscene images and sending them to their contacts.
Once an illegal phone app has been downloaded, they have access to everything on your phone, your entire contacts list, photos and videos, which is used by the company to extort money from you by extreme harassment and blackmail. Their stance is that if money is not paid to them, they will send very indecent material with your face photoshopped on the image to your entire contacts list, and this will continue until they are satisfied you have paid them enough money.
We are campaigning against these types of companies to help stop this abuse that is causing considerable damage to the borrower mentally and within the borrower’s community of friends and family.
If you are a victim of this type of companies, you can approach us in an event you are in receipt of any such messages from these companies. This will help us in collating the evidence against the illegal app company and take firmer action.
- Have you taken a loan from an illegal App?
- Are they harassing you?
- Contact us Now
We campaign on your behalf to reduce the risk of illegal Apps and the harm it causes.
Our team uses our clients’ experiences to make the evidence-based case for changing regulation, law, and practice, to eliminate illegal Apps and the harm it causes to people. Working towards getting compensation for our clients from those parties that are promoting these illegal Apps.

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